Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Here's a thought...

Sure, there are plenty of things to complain about in the Respiratory field. One of the most viewed comments on AARC's connect blog is titled, "Respect of Respiratory Therapist, where has it gone?" Other websites and bloggers write about how small their department is, the lack of physician knowledge, the awful relationship with their staff, etc.

Here's a thought: Rather than eliciting more complaints, let's invite some positive feedback. What do you like most about the Respiratory Field?

For more news, blogs, and videos, please visit www.rtfocus.com 


  1. I have to admit that I'm one of the ones guilty of complaining from time to time. But I do love what I do! What I like most is placing CHF pts on BiPAP. at our hosptal, we bipap thme quickly and to see them 4-6 hours later completely better is satisfying.

  2. i love the fact that i don't have to stat in one area!

  3. Excellent thought. I am a new RRT and I constantly hear negativity from my coworkers and others in the hospital. So far, I love my job and hope for more positivity in my department.

    Also, I have a blog that aims to help RT Students. Would love if you checked it out. Thanks!
